Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Famous Creative Thinkers Presentation Essay Example for Free

Famous Creative Thinkers Presentation Essay Famous Creative Thinkers Presentation I choose Carl Sagan as one of the people that I felt has given a great contribution to the world. Carl Sagan was born in Brooklyn, New York the son of an immigrant worker from the Russian Empire. Name after his mother’s mother. Carl had a sister and his mother was very protective of him. Carl’s mother was not up to par to fit in the social life, so she was restricted. When his parents took him to the New York World Fair, Carl was so excited when he saw the burial of a time capsule, stars and other exhibits that would lead to his inquisitiveness about the world. Later in life Carl and others would build time capsules, but these would be sent out into space for other life forms to find and they would contain Carl’s memories form the world fair. Carl’s parents helped his growing interest for science by buying him books about science and chemistry sets. He loved to read the books about science fiction stories, by writers such as H. G. Wells and Edgar Rice Burroughs, they made his imagination even wilder his about whether there was life on other planets such as Mars, Jupiter and Venus. Carl attended the University of Chicago and received his bachelors and was a part of the Ryerson Astronomical Society. He got received his Bachelors of Science in Physics, a Master of Science in physics and a PhD In astrophysics and astronomy. Carl was denied tenure at Harvard, because of his scientific advocacy, being widely publicized. Carl Sagan was a great astronomer, cosmologist, author, astrophysicist, science communicator, and science popularizer. Because of his great inquiries as to what did what and how come Carl thought about if there was truly life outside of the earth. He was the first to actually make the first messages that were sent into space. He studied the earth, stars, planets, he made messages that he thought could be understood by the extraterrestrials. He had over 600 articles published that  were scientific and authored or co-authored more than 20 books. The award winning series named Cosmos was also by Carl Sagan. He was a professor in astronomy at the Unive rsity of Cornell; he was part of the NASA as an advisor. Because of the Cosmos people were able to better relate and understand Carl’s ideas about the worthiness of the human race. Carl did his thinking the best way that he knew and that was to do it his way. Because of Carl they were able to learn the high surface temperature on the planet Venus, was due to the dryness. He was also the first to think about Saturn’s moon Titan may have contains liquids on the surface and that the Jupiter’s moon Europa might have oceans. Carl did organized research on such projects as Near Earth Objects, he composed the Deflection Dilemma, which would be deflecting an asteroid away from the Earth, and then it could be possible to deflect it back to the earth. During his career Sagan would be very much criticized as to his soundness, when it came to extraterrestrial life. Carl loved to urge people to listen using radio telescopes to see if they could hear signals from outer space that could help him prove that there were other life forms. Due to the lack of belief call stated a petition and was able to get 70 scientists to sign it advocating the SETI that was also p ublished in his journal of Science. Carl would later go on to explain his theories and use science to reveal them to the world. His life force was dedicated to science. Under President Regan rained there was to be a Strategic Defense Initiative, that would cost billions of dollars but it would develop a defense against nuclear missile attacks, an Carl was against this because he felt that there was no real way to do this and by doing so would unbalance the Soviet Union and United States making progress in the arms agreement. There was an experiment called : The Nevada Desert Experience† is where Carl would later be arrested twice for climbing a fence at the protest at the Nevada Test Site in order to protest against the government for using test sites that were experimenting in the Nuclear weapons and they where they were conducting the detonations. Carl was also noted as a free spirit and free thinker. References Whitehouse, David (October 15, 1999). Carl Sagan: A life in the cosmos. BBC News (BBC). Retrieved August 30, American National Biography Online, Carl Sagan. Wikipedia, The free encyclopedia Bansky is the second person that I choose to write on. Bansky is a very creative artist that did street and wall graffiti, painter, film director and political activist. No one really knew is real name or when he was born. He was the son of a technician, was born in Bristol England. Originally he was trained to be a butcher. Some say that his work is similar to that of Blek le Rat. Bansky was impressed by an artist known as 3D who was a member of a group called Massive Attack. Bansky displays his art to the public but he does not sell photo graphics are reproductions of his work. His first movie was called Exit through the Gift Shop was a disaster. His art is part of the Bristol Underground Scene. He like the way that stencils would help to use less time to complete a project. Bansky hid from the police while using stencils as a cover while he created his work. There was a statement to be made in each one of Bansky’s art works. Bansky works are usually all anti something. He d id not approve of the way that people considered art on surfaces as graffiti. He wanted to show that it was real art and start to do mural and other such art on public building and public places. Bansky, did his first exhibit in Los Angeles at the 33 1/3 Gallery and the exhibit called Existentialism, later he would produce such exhibits like Turf Wars, Monet’s Water Lily Pond, Barely Legal, and Bansky effect. The Bansky effect is a way of not just tagging but using art to express things and making areas brighter and pleasant to look at. There is not a particular technique Bansky used whatever he thought to be use full at the time. Bansky art has been known to be thought as a way of revenge for the underclass. To tag a mother persons art is disrespectful, and represents them taking away power or territory and not upholding the rules. Bansky’s works can be so different but beautiful when he does his art although it is considered graffiti it is beautiful. He developed a quantity of spoof British money notes, where the head was not the Queens but the Princess Diana’s and text was changed from the Bank of England to Bansky of England. Although they were not re al notes today they are of great value. Bansky also was responsible for nine portraits on a bank wall in Palestine on the Israeli’s  West Bank. Bansky has a flare to make a mockery of centralized power, too state that power can work against you. When it came to politics, Bansky was thought to be anti-fascism, anti-imperialism, anti-capitalism, anti-authoritarianism, nihilism, existentialism and anarchism. Bansky used images and visual as a means to create his art work. I felt that h could have made his work more realistic by not adding things to make the true scene a joke. But when there is an artist they can only put what they feel is their style of art. Bansky was also responsible for Money Bart of the Simpsons. I did not see any academic references. Bansky’s art was deprived from art and musicians. References Creative ThinkersBanksy creates new Simpsons title sequence. BBC Banksy, Street Art Cult Hero, International Man of Mystery. The Village Voice./ Wikipedia, The free encyclopedia

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Cropping Boxers :: essays research papers

Throw around words such as boxer and ear cropping and people will probably figure you’re referring to the sport know as boxing. Specifically to a notorious world championship bout in which one boxer did indeed crop the ear of another. Our discussion is here, though, it focuses on an entirely different species of boxers, and an entirely different style of ear cropping. The boxer, of course is the boxer dog. A breed that by custom and by standards typically undergoes a surgical procedure designed to turn it’s naturally floppy-style ear into ears that stand tall, stiff, and erect.(Abraham 8)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Meanwhile at the other end of the Boxer’s well muscled physique, we find it’s tail, or what’s left of it. The tail you see also undergoes a surgical procedure. The tail is docked, meaning, in layman’s terms, that it is cut short.(Abraham10) It leaves the Boxer with that characteristic stub that wiggles rather furiously when the Boxer is pleased, which for this rather friendly breed is much of the time.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Consequently, the dog we see fitting the classic mold outline in the American Kennel Club (AKC) Boxer breed standard is a bit different from the portrait we would see if the pup were allowed to grow up without surgical intervention. These procedures lie at the heart of a rather heated debate, especially in the Boxer world. Unlike many other cropped and docked breeds, the Boxer’s breed standard offers no choice regarding whether the tail or, most significantly, the ears may be left natural and still satisfy the standard’s guide lines.(Vickers 4) This is a restriction that many enthusiasts hope to see changed in the future.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the show ring, if a dog is found to have been cosmetically altered to mold it into the breed standard’s image, that dog is disqualified unless the surgeries in question are tail docking, or ear cropping. The reasons for cropping and docking are rooted in canine history, particularly in the history of fighting dogs, such as the Boxer, which once boasted â€Å"baiting† careers with bulls or bears.(Abraham 17) Cropped ears, while not only creating a fierce more threatening appearance, reduced the risk of damage and injury to the ear, and a docked tail removed a convenient handle for opponents to grab onto.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Folklore also holds that working dogs were not taxed, so the docked tail of a working dog marked it as a non taxable item. However, this theory is not universally accepted.

Monday, January 13, 2020

A Stitch In Time Saves Nine Essay

There is no doubt that a stitch in time saves nine. It means that man must do something at the very early stage. This proverb in its literal sense applies to holes in our clothes which may be easily mended at first, but, if they are left unmanned, grow bigger and bigger, until they cannot be repaired without a great deal of sewing. What is true of torn clothes is true of boots, boxes, houses, ships, walls, bridges, in a word, of everything that needs mending, I may quote a striking illustration of the truth of the proverb from my own observation. A beautiful pier was built at great expense by Government many years ago on the stormy west coast of Scotland, to defend the harbor of a fishing village. The great stone of which it was composed were bound together by clamps of iron, and it looked as if it could defy the utmost fury of the waves. Nevertheless, in one of the violent storms that visit that iron bound coast, as little damage was done to the most exposed part of the structure. When I first saw the pier there was to be seen in it only a hole of moderate extent, that could have been repaired without much labor. But somehow the breach was left untended, and naturally grew bigger year by year until, on the occasion of my last visit to the town, half of the pier had sunk in ruin under the waves, and it was evident that to repair it would cost as much as the building of a new pier. The expediency of the stitch in time is exemplified not only by the destruction of material fabrics, the rents in which are neglected, but also in medicine, politics, and in intellectual and moral education. How often has a doctor to tell his patient that, if he had been consulted earlier he might have affected an easy cure, but that now more drastic remedies must be employed. A literary man, for instance, suffers from indigestion due to overwork and wasn’t of exercise. A short holiday in the country might restore him to good health if only he took it in time. But he has important work to do and is averse to taking any rest before he has finished it. So he goes on working until the symptoms become so threatening that he finds himself compelled to consult a doctor. To his surprise he finds that entire change of diet and absolute idleness for a long period of time are now needed to cure a disease, the progress of which might have been arrested with every little trouble at an earlier stage. It is the same with the body politic. The best politicians see in good time evils which, if allowed to go on unchecked, will swell to  alarming dimensions. Thus the just discontent felt by the people of France on account of the privileges enjoyed by the clergy and nobles might have been appeased by remedial legislation, but, as the cure was delayed, the feeling of disaffection went on gathering force, until at last it could no longer be extinguished and produced the horrors of the French Revolution. That no revolution has taken place in England for the last two hundred years is due to the fact that English politicians have been willing to anticipate rebellion by timely reforms. The same is true in our daily life. If anything is done at the very early stage, much energy can be saved for the same purpose.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Nature vs Nurture Essay - 804 Words

The controversy of nature vs. nurture has been disputed for years. Nature vs. nurture refers to the question of which factors are most significant in determining development; those related to heredity or environment. It has been reported that some scientists think that â€Å"nature† is referred as the importance in heredity as the major determinate also known as â€Å"nature† the theory of human behavior. The nurture theory scientists believe that people think and behave in certain ways because they are taught to do so. This is an ongoing debate and understandably so. I do believe that both nature and nurture play apart in development. Nature in my opinion I d suggest that one of the reasons that people believe in the nurture effect is that†¦show more content†¦Conversely, the evidence is that children and teenagers who associate with bad elements have usually been rejected by more normally-behaved children and have found friends among other rejected children (Harris, 2009). Certainly members of each of these groups will learn from each other once they begin to associate, in my opinion the important question is, what made them associate to begin with? AccordingShow MoreRelatedNature vs. nurture Essay1322 Words   |  6 PagesNature vs. Nurture It is a matter of concern whether human behaviors and characteristics are determined by nature or nurture. If a person’s behavior is inherited directly from the genes of his/her parents or other biological factors, then it is the nature that determines his character. But if the environment that a person grew up in, affects his behavior, then it is the nurture that determines his/her character. It became a great matter of controversy among scientists, psychologists and sociologistsRead MoreNature Vs. Nurture Essay1612 Words   |  7 PagesNature vs. Nurture Essay Throughout many years, scientists have been debating about whether nature or nurture is the driving force that shapes a person’s cognitive abilities and personal traits. Before the ongoing debate can be explained, it is necessary to understand what nature and nurture actually are. Nature is loosely defined as the genetics one inherits and tendencies that influence development. Many things in an individual are hereditary, for instance; gender, disease, height, eye color,Read More Nature vs Nurture Essay804 Words   |  4 PagesNature vs Nurture In his book, the universally acclaimed and bestseller The Selfish Gene, Richard Dawkins presents his viewpoint that living organisms are but survival machines, that the individual [is a] selfish machine, programmed to do whatever is best for its gene as a whole. In fact, this is the central concept in his book that he brings across. An individuals behaviour and actions are 100% determined by its genes and the individual behaves in accordance to ensure the best persistenceRead More Nature vs Nurture Essay1585 Words   |  7 Pages Nature or Nurture? The Determination of Human Behaviour The nature versus nurture debate has spanned over decades, and is becoming more heated in the recent years. Following the mapping of the human genome, scientists are pursuing the possibility of controlling human behaviour such as homicidal tendencies or insanity through the manipulation of genes. Is this possible for us to ensure that humans behave in certain ways under certain circumstances in future? This is highly doubtful, as the determinationRead More Nature vs Nurture Essay570 Words   |  3 Pages Nature vs Nurture The issues pitting nature against nurture are exceptionally significant for the gamut of discoveries that attribute an increasing proportion of traits and behaviours to ones genetic makeup. The resulting variety of physical shortcomings and limitations in each person has, for centuries, been countered by endeavours to improve or interfere where necessary, and every individual is consequently the product of a delicate middle path of balance between the two. The importanceRead MoreNature vs. Nurture Essay794 Words   |  4 Pages Nature vs. Nurturenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Through time, psychologists have argued over whether only our genes control our behaviors in life or if the environment and the people surrounding us have any effect in our lives. This is called nature versus nurture. We do not know what dictates our behavior, or if it is a combination of both. One question is, if genes control our behavior, are we really responsible for our actions? I think that if we can make choicesRead MoreNature Vs Nurture Essay882 Words   |  4 PagesNature vs Nurture The discussion about nature and nurture can be considered one of the oldest problems in psychology, the main question of which is: Are human traits present at birth or are they developing through experience? (Meyers, 2013). The natural side of the discussion asserts that the facial features and the way of their development strictly through DNA and genetics are transmitted by parents and grandparents. The nurture side of the debate argues that we are born with a clean list andRead MoreNature vs. Nurture Essay1250 Words   |  5 PagesNature vs Nurture   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  For the past five weeks we have studied three different but influential people in our perspective on human nature class. They are Freud, Plato and Tzu. The main discussion between all of them is nature versus nurture. I will discuss the difference between nature and nurture and then I’ll apply to each of these philosophers and how they react to it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When looked up in the dictionary the term nature means the universe and its phenomena or one’s own character and temperamentRead More Nature vs Nurture Essay778 Words   |  4 PagesNature vs Nurture Most of us have an intuition that, although our genes provide advantages and constraints, we retain great control over our lives. However, we are developing a second, competing intuition that, like it or not, our genes determine our abilities, our preferences, and our emotions. We would like to think we are much more than the sum of our genes, but scientists have apparently demonstrated that our genes determine some of our most complex behavioral and cognitive characteristicsRead MoreEssay on Nature vs Nurture1052 Words   |  5 PagesNature vs. Nurture M. B. Liberty University Psychology 101 Nature vs. Nurture There has been extensive debate between scholars in the field of psychology surrounding the Nature vs. Nurture issue. Both nature and nurture determine who we are and neither is solely independent of the other. â€Å"As the area of a rectangle is determined by its length and its width, so do biology and experience together create us.†(Myers, 2008, p. 8) Carl Gustav Jung, and leading thinker and creator of analytical